Welcome to Saint Jude Parish. We are happy to have you join us on this website and we encourage you to join us in person. We are a Vatican II parish that celebrates the Most Holy Mass according to the Instructions of the Roman Missal. Saint Jude Parish is a warm and welcoming Roman Catholic Parish that is made up of people of varying ages and ethnicities. We are an active parish. Please check out the various groups and activities that we have going on like the Women’s Guild and the Knights of Columbus. We also have an active outreach program that includes a food pantry, community meals once a month, Christmas Baskets, Blue Angels gift giving at Christmas, etc.
Our Religious Formation Programs involve children of all ages from kindergarten through high school, as well as a vibrant youth group. Our adult faith formation includes bible study groups and faith sharing groups as well as RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults).
Sacramental preparation, in addition to Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Communion, also includes Baptism preparation and Marriage preparation. One of the great ministries that we have in the parish is the Consolers Ministry, a group of volunteers who help grieving families prepare funeral Masses for their deceased loved ones. We have many liturgical ministries as well such as greeters, readers, Extraordinary ministers of Communion, and altar servers, as well as a vibrant music ministry involving a choir, schola and cantors.
We hope that you will come visit us soon and join us to celebrate the Most Holy Mass in person or live stream on our Facebook page.
In God’s love and peace,
Fr. Bob Gorski