Baptisms are celebrated by Deacon Jay Cormier on the first Sunday of each month at 11:30AM. Families may also choose to celebrate their child's Baptism at any weekend Mass.
A Baptism catechesis "prep" session for parents (required) takes place two weeks prior on Wednesday evening at 7:00PM. For the time being, these sessions, about 75 minutes, take place on Zoom.
Upcoming baptismal preparation classes will be held on Tuesday, March 26th (this is a Tuesday evening due to Holy Week), Wednesday, April 24th, May 22nd, June 26th, July 24 and August 28th.
In September, baptisms will be celebrated on September 8th (the second Sunday of the month) due to the Labor Day weekend holiday.
For more information, or to register for a baptismal preparation class, contact Sally by calling the Parish Office at 603-432-3333 or her direct line at 603-768-1930.